Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday night

Sorry to all that we haven't posted anything for a while. It has been a week with many meetings with doctors and family. Today was an eventful day because David received his purple heart. It was an experience that I will not soon forget if I ever do. I am so very proud of my brother and all the military people that put their lives on the line for our freedoms every day. All military people are heros in my book and I will not forget what each and everyone does for me, my family, and all the other families out there. Matt and I go home tomorrow knowing that David is in the best hands he can be in. With that being said the blog might lag a little behind so as of right now he is still in critical condition, he is still comatose, but he is resting peacefully.
To all the people who are following this know that all the prayers, thoughts, and gratitude that we have received since the crash have been greatly appreciated through this trying time. And if you see a service member walking down the road or in the mall take the time to thank them for what they do. It goes a long way for them to know we care.


  1. Amen to everything you posted. Sorry to hear that you and Matt have to return home, I know it won't be easy to leave, but like you said he is in the best of care. Thoughts and prayers are still headed your way. Take Care!!!
    Jeff and Anita Ploen and family

  2. Wiz-

    Coco and I wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are proud of you and your service to our country. We hope to see you soon.
    Nathan and Coco

  3. We are very proud of Dave and grateful to his family for the sacrifices you have made. We will continue to pray for God's blessing upon you all. We are still very hopeful and optimistic for his recovery.

    All the best,

    The Smith Family

  4. I can only imagine how amazing that experience was to see David awarded his Purple Heart. His sacrifices are immeasurable! Sorry to hear you and Matt have to head home, but I know David would want you guys to take care of yourselves and your families too. At least you know you are leaving him in great hands. Continued prayers for David and for all of you!

  5. Dave's humility, warm sense of humor, and quiet strength are respected and admired by those of us who have been privileged to serve with him. The thoughts and prayers of our family are with Dave for his recovery and with his loved ones for peace, comfort, and safe journeys.

    Scott & Denise Curran

  6. Thank you again for this blog and including all those that love Wiz in this journey. Our family continues to pray for your family and we appreciate the sacrifices you are going through right now. Reading about Wiz getting the Purple Heart gave us chills; thank you again for everything, much love from the Crofts in Vegas.

  7. Wiz,

    We pray for your continued recovery. You if anyone can pull this off. After all the guff we gave you back in the day there's no way this can stop you.
    All kidding aside, you have our deepest respect and gratitude for being awarded the Purple Heart. Keep up the hard work.
    Remember what we used to say "Nothing I'm fine" You will say that soon.
    You are in our prayers.
    Kevin, Leah, Roree and Gage

  8. You must be proud that David received the purple heart. My thoughts, prayers and love go out to David, Melissa, and the family.

  9. Please know that you all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
    Jackie & Steve
